York Notes for A Level: Wuthering Heights includes features to help you achieve top grades, including extract analysis of key passages, to add extra in-depth information and also to demonstrate how to approach detailed analysis, a key skill in your exam. Students who can demonstrate this depth of understanding, linking out to contexts and critical interpretations, in their exam responses to Wuthering Heights questions are likely to achieve a higher grade than those who comment on the novel in general terms. You might be asked, for example, about the depiction of the moors, both in terms of their importance to individual characters and how they reflect mood and/or themes, or how animal imagery is used at particular moments for particular characters, or write about the way that dreams and the supernatural give us clues to the main themes and plot of the novel while adding greatly to the tension and atmosphere.
When you buy the online version of Wuthering Heights A Level Revision Guide you’ll also benefit from revision podcasts from educational experts who provide extra insights into the text, discussing what makes the text great and picking out key contextual and critical ideas, all helping you to form your own interpretations and write an answer that meets examiners’ expectations of top grade students.
Print Edition information: Paperback, 128 pages, ISBN 9781292138190