1 Dreams

People are shown as having dreams that are fated not to come true, most obviously George and Lennie's dream of owning their own land.


Of Mice and Men

2 The American Dream

There is a wider dream of freedom and independence that is also shown as fated never to happen, a dream shared by many Americans.


Of Mice and Men

3 Loneliness

Most of the characters either face loneliness (Curley's wife, Crooks, Candy), fear it (George and Lennie) or are lonely without realising it (Curley).


Of Mice and Men

4 Human fragility

The novel suggests that humans are fragile creatures not really in control of their lives who have to snatch joy while they can.


Of Mice and Men

5 Protest

The novel protests about the treatment of workers, the treatment of old age and about racial prejudice.


Of Mice and Men