Scout and Jem grow up over the course of the novel, in terms of their understanding of the world and their learning to see another person’s point of view.
Pre-judging a person/group of people unfavourably is arguably the most prominent theme of the novel. Tom Robinson is the main target of racial prejudice.
Among the many demonstrations of courage (e.g. Boo rescuing Jem), we see that ‘Real courage’ (Chapter 11, p. 118) is fighting a losing battle (e.g. Atticus defending Tom).
The mockingbird (Tom/Boo/Atticus) is a key symbol representing innocence and purity. There are many other symbols (e.g. the oak tree representing Boo’s communication with the children).
Family groups are key to Maycomb society. The Cunninghams, the Ewells and the Finches have distinctive, universally recognised characteristics.
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