
1 Pip

The narrator and central character of Great Expectations, Pip is an orphaned blacksmith’s boy who mysteriously becomes a city gentleman.


Great Expectations (Grades 9–1)

2 Miss Havisham

A tragic heiress who has descended into madness after being jilted at the altar, she befriends Pip and adopts Pip’s great love, Estella.


Great Expectations (Grades 9–1)

3 Magwitch

An escaped convict who encounters the young Pip and later becomes Pip’s mysterious benefactor after making a fortune in farming when deported to Australia.


Great Expectations (Grades 9–1)

4 Joe Gargery

Pip’s kindly and gentle blacksmith brother-in-law who quietly acts as a reminder to Pip of what it is to be good and honest.


Great Expectations (Grades 9–1)

5 Estella

The illegitimate child of criminals Magwitch and Molly, Estella is raised by Miss Havisham to take revenge on all males, bringing only tragedy on herself.


Great Expectations (Grades 9–1)