
1 Greed

The pursuit of wealth by individuals in the story leads to their downfall.


The Sign of the Four (Grades 9–1)

2 Imperialism

The British Empire colonised parts of India. This led to a clash of two very different cultures and ways of life.


The Sign of the Four (Grades 9–1)

3 Science

The use of scientific rational thought is seen as important in the novella, as it is used by Sherlock Holmes.


The Sign of the Four (Grades 9–1)

4 Roles of men and women

In the novella the central male characters are presented as educated and powerful. The main female character, Mary Morstan, is seen as weaker and emotional.


The Sign of the Four (Grades 9–1)

5 Criminality

Within the story, criminal activity is presented as a characteristic of the poor and working classes in Victorian London.


The Sign of the Four (Grades 9–1)