
1 Friendship

Meena is a loyal, devoted friend to Anita, but Anita is self-centred, domineering and manipulative. The Aunties and Uncles provide the Kumars with emotional support.


Anita and Me (Grades 9–1)

2 Family

The Kumars have strong family values, missing their extended family and trying to replace them with the Aunties and Uncles. Mama criticises unsupportive English families.


Anita and Me (Grades 9–1)

3 Change and growing up

Meena matures during the novel. She realises Anita’s failings, learns to live within two cultures, and stops lying. This is mirrored by changes in Tollington.


Anita and Me (Grades 9–1)

4 Culture

Meena is drawn to white English pop culture, wanting to be like Anita, but comes to appreciate her Indian heritage, particularly thanks to Nanima.


Anita and Me (Grades 9–1)

5 Racism

Meena is shocked by a racist elderly woman. Sam speaks out against immigrants, and he and his gang attack and rob Rajesh Bhatra.


Anita and Me (Grades 9–1)