Genre, structure and language

1 The late Victorian novel

  • A novel is a long prose narrative that relates human experiences. It has many roots but most critics believe that the British novel originated in the eighteenth century.
  • Critic Jonathan Arac, among others, has described the nineteenth century as ‘the age of the novel’. Hardy was writing in the literary mode of his age.
  • Tess of the D’Urbervilles contains elements of the pastoral genre – a mode of literature that presents man and nature as living harmoniously.
  • Tess of the D’Urbervilles can also be described as a work of realism, with Hardy representing things as they are rather than idealising rural life.

Genre, structure and language

Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Level

2 The novel’s structure

  • Hardy divided his narrative into chapters, and then into longer ‘phases’.
  • The titles of the phases are significant and allow us to trace the fluctuating fortunes of the protagonist.
  • Just one phase, the sixth, does not refer directly to Hardy’s eponymous character Tess. The ‘convert’ is Alec who temporarily embraces religion.
  • The narrative is largely relayed in chronological order, with a very occasional flashback to Tess’s childhood or to Angel’s life in Brazil.

Genre, structure and language

Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Level

3 Narrative perspective

  • Hardy uses a third person, omniscient narrator. Although Tess is the focaliser or main perspective, the narrative also has the privilege of knowing the thoughts of all characters.
  • Hardy includes authorial intrusions to call our attention away from Tess’s story to wider issues, such as injustice and fate.
  • The tone of the novel can be sceptical and even anti-religious at times. To Tess, God is a ‘vague ethical being’ (p. 85).
  • The narrator is heterodiegetic (not involved with the story) but appears biased in Tess’s favour. For example: at the end, ‘Justice’ is treated ironically (p. 397).

Genre, structure and language

Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Level

4 Direct speech

  • Dialogue makes the reader feel they are present when a scene in the novel is taking place, witnessing an actual conversation.
  • Hardy uses dialect to root his novel in Wessex (Dorset/Wiltshire/Hampshire) and to delineate social class.
  • Tess’s accent changes as the novel progresses: she begins by speaking in dialect despite her education (p. 16) but contact with Angel makes her speak ‘fluently’ (p. 311).
  • Hardy also creates drama by relaying conversations that Tess overhears, such as those between her parents.

Genre, structure and language

Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Level

5 Biblical allusions

  • Victorian society was dominated by Christianity, and biblical references pervade Tess of the D’Urbervilles.
  • Alec offering Tess fruit in his garden recalls the narrative of temptation in Eden in Genesis (p. 42).
  • The reference to the Var river as ‘the pure River of Life’ from Revelation 22 emphasises that Tess has an opportunity for a new life (p. 103).
  • The reading from Proverbs 31 by Angel’s father helps the reader to evaluate what it means for a woman to be ‘prized’ (p. 263).

Genre, structure and language

Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Level