A Doll's House: A Level York Notes A Level Revision Guide

A Level Study Notes and Revision Guides

A Doll's House: A Level York Notes

Henrik Ibsen

Fill in the blanks

Fill in the missing word(s) in the quotation below, then check your answers.

Language – Subtext 1 of 2

Make sure that you can write about how characters can communicate ideas without overtly mentioning them. Rank says, ‘At the next masquerade, I shall be  ’ (Act 3, p. 90).

Ask yourself: Why does Rank speak about his death in a way that Nora will understand but not Helmer?

Possible answer: Rank and Nora protect Helmer from unpleasantness – but this speech, typical of Rank’s wry wit, also shows, and arguably strengthens, their own close relationship.