Examiner's assessment
The examiner assessed this answer as a Mid Level.
Now read the comments below to understand why this level was given.
The examiner also provides tips on how the answer might be improved.
A clear and methodical approach, consistently weighing up pros and cons in a basic but consistent way. Needs to push the analysis further to move it beyond broad observations, but fundamentals of critical reading are in place.
Broad sense of ways in which meaning is shaped in A Doll’s House. Closer attention to language and technique would have raised the level of the analysis.
Makes reference to historical context but critical engagement with it needs further development.
No connections with other texts in this part of the question.
This answer is marked by basic yet consistent critical evaluation, which demonstrates awareness of point of view.
Doesn’t engage with more sophisticated critical perspectives.
For a Good Level
- Pay closer attention to the way meaning may be shaped by use of language and literary techniques. (AO2)
- Engage more purposefully with relevant historical and literary contexts. (AO3/AO4)
- Develop a more sophisticated understanding of how critical interpretations might shed light on key issues. (AO5)
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