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Romeo and Juliet (Grades 9–1) York Notes GCSE Revision Guide

GCSE Study Notes and Revision Guides

Romeo and Juliet (Grades 9–1) York Notes

William Shakespeare

Examiner's Grade

Grade 4 The examiner gave this sample answer Grade 4.
Now read the comments below to understand why this grade was given.
The examiner also provides tips on how the answer might be improved.


There are some sensible points made here and the student clearly knows and understands the play. The style of the essay is rather chatty and informal in places. The student does not refer to Shakespeare as the playwright or what he does and there are only brief references to choices of language. Also, there is only one brief reference to context.

For Grade 6

  • Use a more formal style
  • Include some more subject specific terminology to show a deeper analysis
  • Use quotations to support key points and aim to keep them concise to create a better flow
  • Comment on what Shakespeare is doing and offer some closer analysis of the language and structure of the play

Read another sample answer: