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Romeo and Juliet (Grades 9–1) York Notes GCSE Revision Guide

GCSE Study Notes and Revision Guides

Romeo and Juliet (Grades 9–1) York Notes

William Shakespeare

Examiner's Grade

Grades 6–7 The examiner gave this sample answer Grades 6–7.
Now read the comments below to understand why this grade was given.
The examiner also provides tips on how the answer might be improved.


The answer is fluent and well-argued, showing an ability to interpret ideas. Quotations are mostly embedded and are well chosen to support the interpretations being made. Reference to context is relevant, though could be further developed.

For Grades 8‒9:

  • Examine layers of meaning in quotations.
  • Use an even greater range of words and phrases when exploring ideas, e.g. ‘This could suggest …’, ‘This implies …’.
  • Develop ideas about context more fully.

Read another sample answer: