Pride and Prejudice (Grades 9–1)  York Notes GCSE Revision Guide

GCSE Study Notes and Revision Guides

Pride and Prejudice (Grades 9–1) York Notes

Jane Austen

Revise the key points

Read through the key points, then print the cards as a handy revision aid.

1 Elizabeth Bennet

Lively, funny and challenging heroine – her father’s favourite. Initially prejudiced against Darcy and for Wickham, she gains self-knowledge and more serious attitude. Marries Darcy.


Pride and Prejudice (Grades 9–1)

2 Fitzwilliam Darcy

Rich, proud, secretive bachelor responsible for large estate and younger sister. Takes himself too seriously and is shocked by his attraction to Elizabeth. He gains self-knowledge and marries her.


Pride and Prejudice (Grades 9–1)

3 Charlotte Lucas

Elizabeth’s friend and eldest in her family; what she does matters to others. She marries Mr Collins for security not love, an attitude that shocks Elizabeth.


Pride and Prejudice (Grades 9–1)

4 Mr Collins

Pompous, ridiculous clergyman – main job ‘demeaning himself’ with respect to his patron, Lady Catherine. He will inherit Longbourn. Proposes to Elizabeth and is rejected but then marries Charlotte.


Pride and Prejudice (Grades 9–1)

5 Jane Bennet

Sweet-natured eldest daughter, loving sister. She is ‘candid’ – thinks well of people and judges them less hastily than Elizabeth. She hides her private feelings too well for her own good.


Pride and Prejudice (Grades 9–1)

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